Harlestone Parish Council digitise their assets

Harlestone Parish Council digitise their assets


Harlestone Parish Council in Daventry were one of the first Local Councils to record their insured assets in Parish Online using the pre-formatted Asset Register layers.

By spending the short amount of time to turn their spreadsheet records into a Parish Online map, they can now keep better track of their assets and ensure their records are up-to-date.



We met with Paul to see how he was getting on and invited us out on a tour of the village. Whilst walking around, he took the opportunity to take pictures of his playground equipment assets. This means that in the event of a claim, he’s even got photographic evidence of the asset. By taking the pictures on an internet-connected tablet they could be attached to the assets directly in Parish Online. For those without such fancy gadgetry, photos taken on a phone or camera can be attached to asset records once back on a computer or laptop.